
The MOUNTAINEER E-News editorial team will place posts in only one category which best reflects the topic area.

Posts of high importance or interest to the University community will be included in the top section of the email which everyone will receive regardless of preference settings.

* indicates required
(High-level messages from or about the University, posts that involve multiple Colleges or units, posts involving units not affiliated with a College such as Administration, Student Life, Alumni Association, WVU Extension Service, WVU Foundation, etc.)
(University-wide events as well as those for units not affiliated with a College such as Administration, Student Life, Alumni Association, WVU Extension Service, WVU Foundation, etc.)
(News, information and events related to specific Colleges and Schools including Potomac State College and WVU Institute of Technology)
(News, information and events related to Schools within the WVU Health Sciences campuses and WVU Medicine)
(News, information and events related to research at the University including research within Colleges and Schools and health related research)
(News, information and events from WVU Sports)
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